Pine Wiki

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Icon-Quest-MainThe Tomb Gazer:

The Path of the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewLeaping Queen.
Her path was illuminated by her courage to make impossible leaps...
...a skill that formed a bridge between the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewGobbledew and the ancestors that came before them.

Icon-Quest-MainThe Tomb Gazer:

Lead by the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewLeaping Queen, the defenseless Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewGobbledew offspring fled the conflict...
It was the same Queen that brought the first of the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewGobbledew to safety, in a place where no sun is ever to be seen...

Icon-Quest-MainThe Tomb Gazer:

Later, the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewQueen's leaps also showed the path towards unity...


It is known that the first Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewGobbledew Queen invented a way to make species more calm.
In fact, it is said that the Icon-Species-Affinity-GobbledewGobbledew are much easier to speak to when they're calm...
